One of the questions we are often asked is whether a group requires a sound system for their meeting. If your group consists of a few people in a very small space then likely the answer is no. If your group is ten or more people in a larger space then this answer is an emphatic “YES!” As in all meetings, the attention of each attendee is paramount for your message to be effective. For every person who cannot hear, their attention is lost, and so is your message. Here are some quick tips for improving your meeting with great sound:
- Experienced Tech
- You need an experienced tech who knows how to design an appropriately sized sound system for the space you will be using. You want the sound system to have equal sound levels throughout the space without using more equipment than needed. This will also help to reduce the cost.
- Lots of feedback or too much volume can distract your attendees, pulling their attention away from the meeting itself. A well-designed system will ensure that these issues are avoided.
- A good sound tech will have the room set-up and thoroughly tested prior to the start of your meeting. If problems arise he/she will fix it right away, minimizing the disruption of your meeting.
- High-Quality Microphones
- Many presenters ask us “Do you think I need a mic?” Unless your group is seated around a small table, the answer is always yes.
- Small rooms: Even if you think everyone can hear, there may be spots in the room where the acoustics are not good, causing dead spots. Everyone needs to be able to hear in order for you to convey your message. A good sound tech will make even a small room sound great. Having quality mics becomes even more important if your event is to be recorded.
- Large rooms: Obviously in large rooms, a mic is very important. You do not want to strain your voice or have to yell. With perfect sound, your attendees will barely notice the sound system, allowing them to be focused on you.
- Question and Answer Mics
- Mic Runners: You always need people to run the mics around the room for questions. This will ensure that everyone hears the questions. The Q&A mics are less for the presenter and more for the people in the back of the audience.
- Have the host remind people to wait for the microphone before asking their question. Without this reminder, people will begin asking their question without the mic and nobody will hear them… it happens every time. Mic runners need training, which leads me to the last point…
- Always Train your Presenters
- Presenters should always practice using a mic, so they will not be nervous on show day. A confident presenter is a good presenter.
- A good presenter knows how to talk into a mic. Always pretend you are talking to the first row of people, and your tech will do the work from there.
- Teach your presenters to trust their tech. Even if issues pop up, a good tech will fix them quickly. A good presenter never points out the man behind the curtain.