Meet the Team
Boitnott Visual Communications
At BVC, we value our customers and realize our success depends on them. We expect our employees to treat every customer with respect and to always strive to provide the best service.
Our Values
Our employees will continually work to provide a safe, fair and enjoyable workplace. We rely on our employees to ensure that relationships with customers are constantly nurtured as they are important and necessary to the success of BVC.

BVC Officers
Keith Boitnott

Keith started with BVC in 1982 working part time while attending VCU. Keith became president of BVC in 1996. With 35 years of A/V experience, he is proficient in all aspects of the A/V rental business. Outside of BVC, Keith is an avid home brewer, outdoor chef, tennis player and loves to travel with his wife.

Billy Childress

Billy started with BVC in 1985 becoming Executive Vice President in 1996. Billy has always been the “idea” man at BVC and has always looked for unique ways to provide anything his customers can imagine. His can-do attitude and unwillingness to say “no” has made him a driving force in this business. Outside of BVC, Billy enjoys golf and spending time with his wife and family.

Billy Michael

Billy started with BVC in 1989 becoming a Vice President in 1996. Billy’s attention to detail has made him one of the premier audio engineers in Virginia. His expertise and research on all aspects of sound reinforcement has made BVC’s audio inventory one of the most complete in Virginia. Outside of BVC, Billy likes to hunt, play tennis, attend concerts and travel with his wife and daughter.

Dan Yeary

Dan started with BVC in 1992 becoming a Vice President in 1996. Dan is usually right at the top of the company in total sales and is well respected by his clients resulting in many long term relationships. Dan is constantly researching new technology and is largely responsible for the purchase of BVC’s LED inventory. Outside of BVC, Dan likes to travel, play golf and spend time with his family.

Brewer Boitnott

Brewer started with BVC in 2022 and since that time he has greeted everyone who stops by the office with a smile and wagging tail.

BVC Team
Senior Audio Technician, Production Manager

Senior Video Technician, Production Manager

Senior Video Technician, Production Manager

Senior Video Technician, Python Developer

Senior Audio Technician

Senior Event Technician, Video/PTZ Specialist

Lead LED Technician, Lighting Specialist

Camera Operator, Video Technician

Event Technician, Audio Specialist

Event Technician

Event Technician, Audio Specialist

Corporate Office Administration